The best downhill racer of all time celebrated the opening of “his
Platzes” just in time for the Winter Opening in Bad Kleinkirchheim.

It was a winter kick-off that once again connects Franz Klammer with his skiing home, because the best downhill racer of all time celebrated the inauguration of the Franz Klammer Square in the heart of Bad Kleinkirchheim - right in front of the tourist office building. And so that everyone knows as they drive past that a legend wrote his success story here, the square is decorated with a three-meter-high sculpture created by the artist Egon Gruber.

Around a hundred invited guests came on December 6, 2024 to celebrate the blessing of the square and sculptures. The Bad Kleinkirchheim elementary school choir rewrote a song as a tribute to Franz Klammer especially for this memorable day. “Servus Franz!” echoed through the crowd, because everyone here is on first-name terms with him.

winter campaign "servusfranz"
With the winter opening, the Bad Kleinkirchheim Tourist Board launched the servusfranz campaign, which authentically and humorously highlights the bond between the people of Bad Kleinkirchheim and their idol. For the first time, the image film for the #servusfranz campaign, in which friends and companions also appear, was also presented.

Jakob Forstnig, chairman of the tourism association in Bad Kleinkirchheim, said: “With our #servusfranz campaign we are achieving a lasting effect on tourism. But above all, the opening of the Franz Klammer Square and the inauguration of the Franz Klammer sculpture are a matter close to our hearts - they are the symbol of a long-standing friendship with our skiing emperor.”

Meet & Greet on the slopes with the Ski Emperor
Anyone who calls up the QR code attached to the Franz Klammer sculpture will be greeted personally with a message from Franz. Fancy a meet & greet? This winter and beyond - because Franz is also a passionate golfer, biker and hiker - there are many dates to experience the ski emperor "live" in Bad Kleinkirchheim. The Early Morning Skiing Ski before 9 on January 7th and February 4th, 11th and 18th, 2025 will remain unforgettable, when he will pass on his skiing tricks in an exclusive circle on the sunny slopes of Bad Kleinkirchheim and tell many anecdotes from his sporting career.

“I used to always have a slime problem when it snowed before a race. The slope was so slow that my competitors also got a good time. Then I couldn't make the most of the skills I learned in my youth in Bad Kleinkirchheim,” Franz Klammer spontaneously found the right anecdote about the snowfall that makes you want to go on a winter holiday in Carinthia.

brand ambassador and leading figure
Klaus Ehrenbrandtner, Managing Director of Kärnten Werbung: “Franz Klammer is an important brand ambassador for Carinthian tourism. For years he has not only conveyed his passion for skiing, but also for the beauty and hospitality of Carinthia. The joy of skiing was and is shaped by leading figures like Franz. His achievements for Carinthian tourism are once again being duly recognized today. 75 percent of winter holidaymakers in Carinthia cite “alpine winter sports” as their travel motive.”

Bad Kleinkirchheim's mayor Matthias Krenn was also proud that the history of the World Cup resort is in many ways linked to Franz Klammer: "In 1971 we celebrated his first historic European Cup victory in the downhill on the FIS K 70, which was named after him. Since then, 30 World Cup races have been held in Bad Kleinkirchheim, and in 2003 another World Cup course, the new "FIS Carinthia - Franz Klammer", was ceremoniously opened. Franz Klammer has left valuable traces in our community that we are proud of." Since 2013, the Olympic champion has also been an honorary citizen of the ski and spa resort.

lighthouse project "New Village Square"
This year's winter opening is also important for the tourism association and the municipality in another respect. It marks the official start of the implementation of the flagship project "New Village Square". 2.4 million euros are being invested in the tourist development of the town center. The green areas in the spa park between the St. Kathrein family and health spa and the Maibrunnbahn are being designed sustainably and become a meeting place for everyone. Mayor and chairman of the Nockberge Leader Region Matthias Krenn said: "The village square project will create a place for festivals, regional farmers' markets, Christmas markets and many other events. The flagship project is being funded by the Leader Region with 150,000 euros, 900,000 euros come from co-financing by the municipality and the state of Carinthia. The remaining funds come from the Bad Kleinkirchheim Tourism Association." The planning is the responsibility of landscape architect Andreas Winkler from Seeboden. "The expansion of the tourist infrastructure is crucial to continue to position Carinthia as an attractive destination all year round. With this project, Bad Kleinkirchheim is taking a pioneering step to increase the region's international competitiveness and to secure regional added value in the long term. I am pleased that I was able to provide significant support to this project on behalf of the Tourism Department and that important funds are now flowing to Upper Carinthia," emphasises Tourism Minister Sebastian Schuschnig, who was represented at the press conference by State Parliament member and Mayor Michael Maier.